Office Phone Shop can supply the Nortel Norstar M7100 Phone product code: NT8B15AA.
In the UK this business phone is also known as the BT M7100 phone.
The Nortel M7100 Phone, also known as the Nortel Meridian M7100 and Meridian Norstar M7100, is the entry level telephone of the Meridian Norstar M family.
This easy to use single line telephone, with basic functionality is compatible with the Nortel Meridian telephone system and is suitable for areas where telephone calls are mainly received, rather than made. This includes reception areas, kitchens and lobbies.
The Nortel M7100 business phone comes in a choice of three colours; black (NT8B15AA-03), ash (NT8B15AA-35) or grey (NT8B15AA-93).
The Nortel Meridian Norstar M7100 Phone is only compatible with the Nortel Meridian Telephone system, and is not suitable for home use.
Office Phone Shop stocks a complete range of Nortel M7000 Series business phones and phone accessories.
Office Phone Shop offer a full warranty on all our business phone systems and business phone solutions.
Office Phone Shop stock a wide range of new, remanufactured and refurbished business phone system spares and parts.