The Nortel M7208N Phone (NTA801AA) is also known as Nortel Meridian Norstar M7208N, Norstar M7208N and Nortel Meridian M7208N. It comes in three colour options: black (NTA801AA-03), ash (NTA801AA-35) or grey (NTA801AA-93).
In the UK this business phone is also known as the BT M7208N Phone.
The Nortel M7208N business phone is an easy to use, yet functional model, which provides up to six lines and is suitable for areas where a basic service is required. It is only compatible with the Meridian Norstar System.
Nortel BCM & Norstar Phones M7208N Phone product code: NTA801AA is available from Office Phone Shop.
Office Phone Shop offer a full 1 year warranty on all our office phone systems and office phone solutions.
Office Phone Shop stock a wide range of new, remanufactured and refurbished office phone system spares and parts. Please quote Nortel BCM & Norstar Phones M7208N Phone product code: NTA801AA when ordering.